Find a Psychologist
Provides an online listing of registered psychologists in British Columbia searchable by city, area of practice, therapy method, and language.
Crystal Meth BC Information
Provides central resource database for the crystal meth problem in BC. Offers hope, through education and communication, and is volunteer run for parents, educators, families and youth.
Counselling Services
Provides access to free counselling for individuals in Canada by counselling interns, supervised by counselling supervisors. Counselling interns are counselling students who are near the end of their professional training to become fully registered counsellors. Sessions are 45 minutes and available by video or phone call, depending on the counsellors' availability.
Find a Health and Care Professional
Provides an online listing of registered health and care professionals of BC, searchable by any combination of name, registrant number, profession, and or city of practice information. The registrant search includes audiologists, dietitians, hearing instrument practitioners, occupational therapists, opticians, optometrists, physical therapists, psychologists, and speech-language pathologists.