Managing Stress
Mental health
Everyone has different ways of responding to stress. How do you lower or manage stress in your life?
There are many ways in which people can respond to and cope with stress. Some of these ways will be healthy while others may be harmful or unhealthy.
Having a plan for times when you experience stress is a good way to lessen its physical, mental, and emotional impact.
Healthy ways to manage stress
- Do regular physical activity. Going for a walk is a great way to start.
- Do activities that bring you joy, in a safe and responsible way. This could be listening to music, painting, spending time with friends, or reading a book.
- Relax your body and mind. Try meditation, breathing exercises, massage or relaxing activities like yoga.
- Practice mindfulness. Focus on the present.
- Take care of yourself. Eat nutritious food, get enough sleep, have a calming bath or a shower.
- Learn about stress and your well-being.
- Ask for help when stress feels like too much to handle.
Showing 3 Resources
310 Mental Health Support
Provides a toll-free number connecting callers to a BC crisis line. Offers emotional support, information on appropriate referral options, and a wide range of support relating to mental health concerns.
HealthLink BC (8-1-1)
Free, reliable non-emergency health information and advice available by phone (8-1-1), online, or mobile app.
Anxiety Canada
Tools, resources, anxiety plans and courses to help anyone living with anxiety.