Showing 111 - 120 of 131 Resources
Available B.C. wide

Supportive Recovery Homes

Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society

Provides residential recovery housing in Greater Vancouver and Victoria for men with chronic alcohol or drug use needing help with transitioning to a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. The homes offer a safe living environment with stability and structure; a place for men to explore work, volunteering, and educational opportunities.

2831 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC

LifeRing Drug and Alcohol Support Groups

Alcohol and drug support groups (virtual) for those who self-identify with problematic substance use.

Mobile Outreach Program

Kílala Lelum

Provides outreach primary care health services to individuals in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. The mobile van offers a combination of targeted outreach for individual members, cultural wellness outreach services, and scheduled drop-in clinics.

Services include harm reduction and emergency supplies, one-on-one support, and cultural care and medicine such as smudging, cedar brushing and ceremonial song. Provided in partnership with TELUS Health.

Available B.C. wide

Indigenous Detox Support Workers

Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia

Provides support to Indigenous clients with the transition from withdrawal towards a drug-free lifestyle. Clients work with a support worker to create a client treatment and or aftercare plan that is suitable to their personal needs.

Plans typically include basic necessities such as food and shelter, and connecting clients to appropriate community services such as justice related services, traditional healing, residential treatment programs, day treatment, and support services. The program also includes client peer support and educational groups, on-going follow up, and connections to other services as needed.

520 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC

Mobile Needle Exchange

PHS Community Services Society

Provides clean needles and harm reduction supplies to people in the community to help reduce the spread of HIV, HCV and other illnesses. The program also promotes safer drug-use habits through referrals to health care, detox, treatment and other community services.

Services include picking up used needles from housing projects, emptying the city needle boxes in the Downtown Eastside, and collecting discarded needles from streets, alleys, and parks. A hotline is also available for delivery of harm reduction materials to anyone within the Vancouver city limits.

Available B.C. wide

Mental Health and Addiction Resources

The Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction

Offers online information, resources and publications on a variety of mental health and addiction topics. Topic areas include: mental health in the workplace; managing depression; coping with suicidal thoughts; and women living with depression during pregnancy and after delivery.

Fraser Health Mental Health Centres

Find a mental health care centre in Fraser Health region.

Available B.C. wide

24-Hour Crisis Line - Indigenous

KUU-US Crisis Line Society

Operates a 24-hour provincial crisis and counselling line for First Nations Elders, adults, children and youth in need throughout BC. Services include follow-up or continuum care, risk assessments, safety monitoring, and 24-hour mobile outreach.

Holding Hope Peer Support Groups

Moms Stop the Harm Society

Offers group peer support for individuals and families with loved ones who use or have used substances. Participants share their experiences, ways to cope, or just gather strength and comfort from being with others who understand. See website for an online listing of support groups in BC.

Fraser Health Mental Health Services

Learn about the various mental health services available in the Fraser Health region. 

Showing 111 - 120 of 131 Resources
Available B.C. wide

Supportive Recovery Homes

Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society

Provides residential recovery housing in Greater Vancouver and Victoria for men with chronic alcohol or drug use needing help with transitioning to a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. The homes offer a safe living environment with stability and structure; a place for men to explore work, volunteering, and educational opportunities.

2831 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC

LifeRing Drug and Alcohol Support Groups

Alcohol and drug support groups (virtual) for those who self-identify with problematic substance use.

Mobile Outreach Program

Kílala Lelum

Provides outreach primary care health services to individuals in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. The mobile van offers a combination of targeted outreach for individual members, cultural wellness outreach services, and scheduled drop-in clinics.

Services include harm reduction and emergency supplies, one-on-one support, and cultural care and medicine such as smudging, cedar brushing and ceremonial song. Provided in partnership with TELUS Health.

Available B.C. wide

Indigenous Detox Support Workers

Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia

Provides support to Indigenous clients with the transition from withdrawal towards a drug-free lifestyle. Clients work with a support worker to create a client treatment and or aftercare plan that is suitable to their personal needs.

Plans typically include basic necessities such as food and shelter, and connecting clients to appropriate community services such as justice related services, traditional healing, residential treatment programs, day treatment, and support services. The program also includes client peer support and educational groups, on-going follow up, and connections to other services as needed.

520 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC

Mobile Needle Exchange

PHS Community Services Society

Provides clean needles and harm reduction supplies to people in the community to help reduce the spread of HIV, HCV and other illnesses. The program also promotes safer drug-use habits through referrals to health care, detox, treatment and other community services.

Services include picking up used needles from housing projects, emptying the city needle boxes in the Downtown Eastside, and collecting discarded needles from streets, alleys, and parks. A hotline is also available for delivery of harm reduction materials to anyone within the Vancouver city limits.

Available B.C. wide

Mental Health and Addiction Resources

The Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction

Offers online information, resources and publications on a variety of mental health and addiction topics. Topic areas include: mental health in the workplace; managing depression; coping with suicidal thoughts; and women living with depression during pregnancy and after delivery.

Fraser Health Mental Health Centres

Find a mental health care centre in Fraser Health region.

Available B.C. wide

24-Hour Crisis Line - Indigenous

KUU-US Crisis Line Society

Operates a 24-hour provincial crisis and counselling line for First Nations Elders, adults, children and youth in need throughout BC. Services include follow-up or continuum care, risk assessments, safety monitoring, and 24-hour mobile outreach.

Holding Hope Peer Support Groups

Moms Stop the Harm Society

Offers group peer support for individuals and families with loved ones who use or have used substances. Participants share their experiences, ways to cope, or just gather strength and comfort from being with others who understand. See website for an online listing of support groups in BC.

Fraser Health Mental Health Services

Learn about the various mental health services available in the Fraser Health region. 

You are currently viewing telephone and virtual resources.

Showing 1 - 5 of 50 articles for "Substance use"
… Some substances are used as medicine, like … cannabis, and illegal drugs. The term ‘substance use’ refers to the use of drugs or alcohol. …
… coffee or caffeinated beverages. Like any substance, having too much can cause harmful … can include struggling with a cannabis use disorder or other challenges. Medications … BC needing help with any kind of substance use concern. Offers information and …
… time can be scary. Many people will try using substances at some point in their … types of substances, and many types of substance use —everyone’s experience of substance use
… know where to look for mental health and substance use resources for youth. Resources Select one …
… seek ways of coping with their pain, like using substances. These impacts of trauma can … Commission report highlights that substance use in Indigenous communities can be a result …