Mental Health and Addiction Resources
Offers online information, resources and publications on a variety of mental health and addiction topics. Topic areas include: mental health in the workplace; managing depression; coping with suicidal thoughts; and women living with depression during pregnancy and after delivery.
24-Hour Crisis Line - Indigenous
Operates a 24-hour provincial crisis and counselling line for First Nations Elders, adults, children and youth in need throughout BC. Services include follow-up or continuum care, risk assessments, safety monitoring, and 24-hour mobile outreach.
Fraser Health Mental Health Services
Learn about the various mental health services available in the Fraser Health region.
Holding Hope Peer Support Groups
Offers group peer support for individuals and families with loved ones who use or have used substances. Participants share their experiences, ways to cope, or just gather strength and comfort from being with others who understand. See website for an online listing of support groups in BC.
Construction Industry Rehabilitation Plan
The Construction Industry Rehab Plan is a treatment program that has been in business for over 35 years providing care to the construction industry.
Bed-Based Treatment and Recovery Services Listings (BCCSU)
Find treatment and supportive recovery services that are live-in or bed-based in a community near you.
PHSA Mental Health and Substance Use Services
Provides treatment for people with the most complex mental health and substance use needs in BC who have been referred by the regional health authorities.
Cocaine Addiction Support Meetings
Provides an online listing of support groups available in BC for men and women who wish to stop using cocaine or other mind-altering substances, and help others reach the same freedom. Twelve Steps of recovery and Twelve Traditions are used for knowledge and wisdom.
The Good Samaritan Act
Protection from being charged for simple possession at the scene of an overdose.