Survivors of Incest Support Groups
Provides an online listing of support groups available in BC for men and women in need of support with recovery from childhood sexual abuse. Meetings are available online and in-person.
Codependency Support Groups
Provides an online listing of support groups where men and women can come together and support each other with recovery from codependence. Group members are people who have been in relationships, as children and as adults, with individuals who are involved in addictive, compulsive or other dysfunctional behaviour.
Marijuana Addiction Support Groups
Provides an online listing of support groups available in BC for men and women in need of support with their marijuana addiction. Twelve Steps of recovery and Twelve Traditions are used for knowledge and wisdom.
Dual Diagnosis Support Groups
Provides an online listing of support groups for men and women who need support with their dual diagnosis; an emotional or psychiatric illness and chemical dependency. Twelve Steps of recovery and Twelve Traditions are used for knowledge and wisdom. See website for available groups in your area.
Anorexia and Bulimia Support Groups
Provides an online listing of support groups available in BC for men and women who need help with recovery from unhealthy eating habits such as anorexia and bulimia. Twelve Steps of recovery and Twelve Traditions are used for knowledge and wisdom.
Alcoholics Anonymous Support Groups
Provides an online listing of support groups available in BC for men and women who need support to stop drinking and recover from alcoholism. Twelve Steps of recovery and Twelve Traditions are used for knowledge and wisdom.
Emotional Well-being Support Groups
Provides an online listing of support groups available in BC for individuals who have emotional challenges such as excessive anger, resentment, depression, grief, anxiety, and compulsive behaviours. Groups are offered online, by phone or in-person.
Support Groups
Provides an online listing of peer support groups for those living with chronic pain. Support groups are offered online and in person.
In support groups people can share personal stories of managing chronic pain, help each other find and navigate health care and community resources, gain social support, listen to one another and decrease isolation.
Community Support Groups
Provides an online listing of autism support groups available throughout the province. Groups offered include community groups to support families; adult groups for youth and adults on the autism spectrum; and sibling groups for siblings of individuals with autism and related disabilities.
Support Groups
Offers group support for women experiencing postpartum distress, depression or anxiety. In-person groups may also be available in the Greater Vancouver area.
Support groups are led by trained facilitators and provide a safe place for women to connect with others in a similar situation and receive valuable information and emotional support.
200-7342 Winston Street, Burnaby, BC